Heading to Kindergarten Evaluation

Back Heading to Kindergarten Evaluation Ohio’s Heading to Kindergarten initiative is part of a national initiative designed to build partnerships between Head Start providers and public

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Public Interest Technologies

Back Public Interest Technologies Our Associates are partnering with the New America Public Interest Technology to provide an overview of employers’ perspectives regarding the emerging field of public interest technology

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End of Life Decision Making

Back End of Life Decision Making Dr. Mobin-Uddin, an assistant professor in the Division of Bioethics and director of the Clinical Bioethics Consultation Service at The

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Ohio Model Schools

Back Ohio Model Schools The purpose of the Ohio Model Schools for Family Engagement project is to develop a pathway of support for Ohio LEAs

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Back GrandUnderstandings Center associates in the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center have partnered with the Ohio Department of Education on developing a resource platform to assist grandparents who have taken on

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Staying and Thriving

Back Staying and Thriving: Cultivating Community with and for Black Women Undergraduate Students in the College of Education and Human Ecology As a translational research

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Center associates in the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center have partnered with the Ohio Department of Education on developing a resource platform

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