Establishing Families as Partners in the Secondary Transition Planning Process Course and Module Design

The purpose of the Establishing Families as Partners in the Secondary Transition Planning Process Course and Module Design project (Establishing Families) of the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center (OSU) is to create a hybrid professional learning experience consisting of in-person instructional meetings and a series of online modules to improve the knowledge and capacity of family-facing professionals for engaging families of students with disabilities in the secondary transition planning process. This learning experience will be based in content from the workbook titled, Establishing Families as Partners in the Secondary Transition Planning Process. Overall, this project seeks to build on the successes and areas of growth identified in the current in-person learning experiences, while decreasing the facilitator capacity necessary to plan and execute the professional learning while also increasing opportunities for local cross-agency teams to collaborate.

Funded by The Ohio Department of Education 

Project Contact Thomas Capretta