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Institutes, Workshops & Training Collections

Go Digital Training Collection
Whether you’re creating your first online training or you’re a seasoned professional looking for the latest trends in digital instruction, Go Digital is for you. This flexible, four-part curriculum will help you create engaging trainings that meet your employees where they are—in the office, at home, or anywhere they stay connected.

DACUM Virtual Institute
This online institute includes asynchronous (does not take place in real-time), self-paced learning experiences available 24/7 as well as several synchronous meetings at intervals throughout the 10 week institute. You will engage with pre and post self-knowledge checks, videos, discussion forums, synchronous meetings with fellow participants, and coaching sessions with Institute team-leaders.

Face-to-Face and Virtual DACUM Workshops
DACUM International Training Center associates have over 25 years of experience conducting DACUM workshops for clients in a variety of settings from companies to community colleges to government agencies and professional organizations. Many organizations choose to have us conduct their workshops to take advantage of this…

Systematic Curriculum and Instructional Design (SCID) Institute
Our SCID Institute is a follow-on program to the Developing a Curriculum (DACUM) training. It picks up where DACUM leaves off and teaches you how…

DACUM Face-to-Face Institutes
Our DACUM International Training Center is the premiere provider of DACUM facilitator training in the world. We train more DACUM facilitators than anyone else, both…

Ohio’s Intensive Pedagogical Training Institute
In conjunction with the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), we offer Ohio’s Intensive Pedagogical Training Institute (IPTI) or Alternative Resident Educator Institute (AREI) as..

Ohio’s Professional Development Institute
Ohio’s Professional Development Institute (PDI) assists individuals on the Alternative Resident Educator pathway. If seeking an Ohio five year professional teaching license, an individual who…

Test Development Workshop
This three-day learning experience will explore the topic of creating valid, reliable assessments of job-specific knowledge and skills. Discover the occupational tests that can be…