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CETE Works Podcast

The Center on Education and Training for Employment’s 55+ years of experience illustrates the ability to anticipate changing conditions and evolve as the nature of education and work evolves, while sustaining focus on improving the field of professional development. We understand ever-changing needs for both technical and soft skills today and have researched best practices and strategies to meet the needs of the modern world.
Focusing on a future where all learners reach their highest potential, the CETE Works podcast explores current topics impacting educational and workforce settings. Connect with the Curriculum and Training team at go.osu.edu/OhioState4Work and follow them on Twitter at @OhioState4Work.
Series 1: Focus on Workforce
Welcome to CETE Works Podcast
In this first episode, host Fara Allen introduces you to the CETE Works podcast, featuring discussions to prepare you for developing, implementing, and evaluating your training program. To learn more about our work, visit cete.osu.edu/programs/curriculum-and-training or connect with our team at go.osu.edu/OhioState4Work.
The Influence of Organizational Culture
The fact of the matter is training can not only impact your culture but be impacted by your culture. Culture can make or break a training program, so before you invest money and time into developing your workforce, listen in on Keli Bussell (Training & Development Specialist) to discuss how organizational culture influences the sustainability of any program.
Translating Workforce Problems into Training Solutions
What are your organization’s needs? Is training the solution? In this episode, Traci Lepicki (Associate Director of Operations & Strategic Initiatives) and Dr. David A. Julian (Program Director of Evaluation & Community Practice) discuss assessing your organization’s needs and how to use our center’s approach to problem-solving to translate your training needs into evidence-based solutions to enhance your workforce.
Job Analysis: What’s in a Job?
Job analysis is a great place to start when determining the technical skills needed by either your current employees or planned new hires. Listen in as Traci Lepicki (Associate Director of Operations & Strategic Initiatives) and John Moser (Program Lead of DACUM International Training) discuss why our center utilizes the DACUM (Developing A Curriculum) approach to job analysis and how our approach can aid in developing your training program.
Assessment: How to Know What Your Employees Know
What are your employees’ skills? How do you know? Assessment provides key information about what your employees know and can do. In this episode, Traci Lepicki (Associate Director of Operations & Strategic Initiatives) and Dr. Bridget McHugh (Research Specialist & Psychometrician) discuss the science of assessment and how measuring knowledge, skills, and performance can inform your training decisions.
On-the-Job Training: What Works?
On-the-job training involves engaging your workforce in training their peers in a structured way. Listen in Alicia Willis (Instructional Development Specialist) discusses essential components, key roles, and the benefits of incorporating on-the-job training into your program.
Supporting Learning through a Community of Practice
In the simplest terms, a Community of Practice, or CoP, is a group of people who share an interest in something they do. And they learn how to do it better as they interact regularly with each other. In this episode, Patricia Hughes-Fitzgerald (Program Specialist) discusses how a CoP provides a way for participants to work with their colleagues to offer support and share solutions and best practices.
Series 2: Focus on Learners
Adult Education: Supporting Educators and Learners
In this episode, Adrienne Boggs discusses how her work supports adult education by creating curriculum resources that are aligned to standards, distance education, formative and summative assessments, and leadership for educators. This support to educators is crucial to serving adult learners.
Beyond the Classroom: Engaging Families, Educators, and Learners
In this episode, Dr. Barbara Boone shares the importance of schools, families, and communities partnering together as a critical impact of a child’s learning process. You can find more information about the work that Dr. Boone and her team do by going to their website ohiofamiliesengage.osu.edu and following them on Twitter @OhioEngage.
From Learning to Careers: Helping Learners Find Their Way
In this episode, Keli Bussell touches on the importance of supporting young people in their discovery of their interests and talents, to adults as lifelong learners and career changers. Keli is a Training and Development Specialist with the Curriculum and Training program at the center. Positioning all types of learners for successful career pathways strengthens individuals, as well as our economy.
Dedicated to Professional Learning: Supporting Success for Educators and English Learners
In this episode, Christina Terrell defines ESL and related terminology, explains foundational elements for how people learn language, and shares guidance for how educators can support their English language learners. Christina is a program specialist on our Curriculum and Training team, who provides content expertise focused on assisting educators with professional development opportunities.
The Promise of Online Learning: A Learner and Educator Perspective
In this episode, Dr. Ana-Paula Correia shines a light on the promise of online learning by giving us a deeper understanding of what it means to learn, design, and teach in a virtual environment. Dr. Correia is the Director of the Center on Education and Training for Employment and a Professor of Learning Technologies at The Ohio State University. Listen in as she shares what successful online learning means, from both a learner and educator perspective.
Instructional Design: Centering the Learner’s Experience
In this episode, Alicia Willis explains how instructional design impacts all facets of learning. From ensuring the accessibility of learning materials to supporting educators and organizations in curriculum and training, instructional design puts the learner at the center. Alicia Willis is an Instructional Development Specialist and has been with the Center on Education and Training for Employment since 2013. Alicia provides curriculum recommendations, development, and guidance for the Center’s programs.
Virtual Reality: Immersing Learners in the Experience
In this episode, Greg Nagy, a Systems Developer and Instructional Designer at our Center, helps us understand some basic concepts and language around virtual reality. A fully immersive experience for the user, virtual reality is a 3D environment, that with advancements in technology, is only going to get better. We see a future where virtual reality and simulated hands-on training experiences serve as a valuable tool for organizations, educators, and learners.