The College of Education and Human Ecology Awards the Center on Education and Training for Employment’s Associates
Written by Marcie Kamb, October 18, 2021

The annual College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE) Convocation brought together the internal community to welcome new faculty and staff, provide highlights from the last year, and celebrate the impressive achievements of faculty and staff. The event was held in person at the Fawcett Center, and also livestreamed on YouTube for the whole college community to have the chance to participate.
The Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE) was honored to have EHE recognize two of their valued associates, Drs. Melissa Ross and Lin Ding. Dr. Ross, Associate Director, Research Partnerships and Impact; Program Director, Equity, Engagement and Evaluation, was awarded the Distinguished Staff Leadership Award and Dr. Ding, Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning and Faculty Affiliate at CETE, was awarded the Distinguished Teaching Award.
When asked for reactions to these awards, both recipients acknowledged their teams and were honored to be recognized for their dedication and commitment.

“I am truly honored and humbled to receive this award. Frankly, I believe this award should be shared with my students and advisees, whose passion for and persistence in learning during the most difficult time of Covid has deeply touched me. This award is not only a recognition of my teaching but also a recognition of my students’ active engagement in learning, be it online or in person. I am more convinced than ever that whatever we do in or out of our class spaces can have a life-long impact on our students.” Dr. Ding stated.
“It was an honor to be recognized for my contribution to the leadership of CETE. This award is a byproduct of the manner in which CETE associates are leaning into our racial justice movement and translational research work. Sometimes it takes an award like this to help you reflect on the combined efforts and achievements. I’m thrilled to work alongside this group, growing with them every day and looking forward to the outcomes that we will accomplish together this year.” Dr. Ross shared.
Dr. Ana-Paula Correia, Director of CETE and Professor of Learning Technologies in the Department of Educational Studies, was also recognized for her promotion to Full Professor. Dr. Correia is also the founder and leader of the Learning and Experience Design Research Group, a group dedicated to investigating learning design processes and pedagogies to create deep learning at The Ohio State University.

It is through the celebration of achievements of CETE colleagues that we are reminded of all of EHE’s core values, representing the college’s mission to serve The Ohio State University, the larger Columbus community, the state, and the world. Excellence, justice, diversity, innovation, and internationalization are at the forefront of the work and will continue to reign supreme in CETE’s daily efforts.