Excellence in Engagement & Evaluation

Equity, Engagement & Evaluation

Exploring the Path from Partnerships to Collaborations

Exploring the Path from Partnerships to Collaborations: Voices from the Field (Video)

Who We Are

Our Excellence in Engagement and Evaluation program designs, implements and evaluates projects within education, health and workforce development entities to achieve outcomes based on evidence-based quality standards in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

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What We Do

Technical experts work with organizations and communities to assist in achieving desired outcomes, developing plans, conducting needs assessments, collecting data, designing evaluation plans, and providing other forms of technical assistance. A variety of research and evaluation methods (e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, database applications, content analysis, archival data analysis) are used to clarify goals, build logic models, and identify appropriate methods for addressing significant issues.


We customize tools and procedures to meet the needs of sponsors and are uniquely positioned to contribute to new and continuing interventions based upon productive working relationships with state and local partners.

  • New America
  • Ohio Family and Children First Cabinet Council
  • Governor’s Office of Faith-based and Community Initiatives
  • United Way of Central Ohio
  • Ohio Departments of Education, Mental Health, Health, Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services
  • Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
  • Ohio Department of Job and Family Services


Parent Mentor Oversight & Professional Development Program

The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) recognizes the critical need of supporting and honoring families as the primary caregivers and educators of

State-Wide Family Survey for Families of Students With Disabilities

State-Wide Family Survey for Families of Students With Disabilities In partnership with the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), our associates design, distribute,

Ohio Youth Rehabilitation Collaborative (OYRC)

Ohio State’s College of Public Health, College of Education and Human Ecology, and OSU Extension are implementing a delivery system and education program in rural and urban neighborhoods

Planning and Evaluation Services for the Ohio Interagency Council for Youth

Ohio is engaged in a cooperative agreement with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center

Developing Public-Private Partnerships to Target Elevated Phosphorus Fields to Increase Water Quality & Availability

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture has funded

Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio

Our Associates support the Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio (NAICCO) as they implement a unique capacity building model in Ohio

Family and Community Partnership Liaisons (CARES Act) Project

Family and Community Partnership Liaisons (CARES Act) Project The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) is engaged in a statewide effort to build

End of Life Decision Making

This project aims to address racial and ethnic disparities and health equity, focusing on how to encourage advance care planning and engage in a culturally sensitive 

Advancing Ohio's English Learners

The Advancing Ohio’s English Learners project is designed to create a comprehensive system of supports for English learners and their families 

Public Interest Technology

Our Associates are partnering with New America to provide an overview of employers’ perspectives regarding the emerging field of public interest technology or PIT.  

Heading to Kindergarten Evaluation

Ohio’s Heading to Kindergarten initiative is part of a national initiative designed to build partnerships between Head Start providers and public schools.  

Staying and Thriving:

Cultivating Community with and for Black Women Undergraduate Students in the College of Education and Human Ecology ELIGIBILITY AND

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Center associates in the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center have partnered with the Ohio Department of Education on developing a resource platform

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Program Team