Faculty Engagement

Faculty Engagement at CETE
CETE’s faculty associates and affiliates engage in research, scholarship, and resource development in support of the center's mission. We develop win-win partnerships with faculty and their research agendas.

CETE Faculty Associates

Dr. Brett Zyromski is an Associate Professor and Chair at The Ohio State University.  His scholarship focuses on how school-based counselors can enhance protective factors and positive childhood experiences for students that have experienced adverse childhood experiences. His research also explores the impact of evidence-based interventions in school counseling, evidence-based school counselor education, and evaluation in school counseling. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Professional School Counseling journal.

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Photo of Bo Hyon Lee

Dr. Bo Hyun Lee is an assistant professor in the Counseling Psychology program at the Ohio State University and Faculty Associate in the Center for Education and Training for Employment (CETE).

Dr. Lee’s research interest lies at the nexus of vocational psychology, social justice training and advocacy, and inequity in the world of work. Her research broadly focuses on equity, justice, and access both at work and in pursuit of work. Dr. Lee takes an intersectional approach to understanding the influence of oppression and marginalization on academic achievement and career development among members from oppressed groups. With her focus on cultural and contextual influence on individuals’ career development, Dr. Lee addresses inequities in STEM by investigating a variety of cultural and contextual factors. Additionally, Dr. Lee strives to name and the structural inequity within the education system that could guide the culturally and contextually sustaining intervention and support for the oppressed groups.

Eddie Fletcher, Phd

Dr. Edward C. Fletcher Jr. is a Distinguished Professor in the Workforce Development and Education program at The Ohio State University and Faculty Associate in the Center for Education and Training for Employment (CETE). He also serves as Program Chair of Workforce Development and Education and Director of Research and Grants for the Department of Education Studies. Dr. Fletcher serves as an Editor for the Career and Technical Education journal and Co-Editor for the Journal of Career and Technical Education.

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Caezilia Loibl, Phd

Dr. Cäzilia Loibl is a Professor in the Department of Humans Sciences at The Ohio State University and a Faculty Associate in the Center for Education and Training for Employment. Dr. Loibl further holds an appointment as a State Specialist for The Ohio State University Extension. Dr. Loibl is interested in financial decisions across the lifespan, with a focus on older adults and financial hardship situations.

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CETE Faculty Affiliates

Eric Anderman, Phd

Eric Anderman, PhD

Professor, Faculty Affiliate

Lin Ding, Phd

Lin Ding, PhD

Professor, Faculty Affiliate

Belinda Gimbert, PhD

Belinda Gimbert, PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty Affiliate

Sarah Lang, Phd

Sarah Lang, PhD

Assistant Professor, Faculty Affiliate

Photo of Dustin Miller

Dustin Miller, PhD

Assistant Professor, Faculty Affiliate

Photo of Leslie Moore

Leslie Moore, PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty Affiliate

Photo of Peter Sayer

Peter Sayer, PhD

Professor, Faculty Affiliate

Faculty Advisory Board​

The center engages faculty across the College of Education and Human Ecology to serve on the Faculty Advisory Board. The CETE Faculty Advisory Board meets quarterly to discuss collaboration opportunities, guide the center in pursuing potential funding sources, and exchange knowledge and innovations among the departments.