Brett Zyromski, PhD
Brett Zyromski, PhD is an Associate Professor at The Ohio State University. His scholarship focuses on how school-based counselors can enhance protective factors and positive childhood experiences for students that have experienced adverse childhood experiences. His research also explores the impact of evidence-based interventions in school counseling, evidence-based school counselor education, and evaluation in school counseling. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Professional School Counseling journal.
Dr. Zyromski has published over 35 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters related to school counseling issues, delivered over 100 international, national, regional, and local presentations, and has served as numerous international and state conference keynote. A research Fellow at the University of Massachusetts Ronald H. Fredrikson Center for School Counseling Outcome Research and Evaluation, Dr. Zyromski is also co-editor of School Counseling Research: Advancing the Professional Evidence Base (2023) and co-author of Facilitating Evidence-Based, Data-Driven School Counseling: A Manual for Practice (Corwin, 2016). He co-founded and is co-chair of the annual Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference. He has served as co-primary investigator or project manager for over $9,000,000 worth of federal and state grants.
Dr. Zyromski is involved with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) as an Associate Editor of the Professional School Counseling journal. He also served as a Lead Recognized-ASCA-Model-Program Reviewers (LRR’s) for a decade. He has successfully helped over 30 schools earn the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) designation.
Dr. Zyromski has consulted and trained internationally and across the United States. He has trained numerous school districts, including Chicago Public Schools, on evolving school counseling programs to evidence-based, data-driven, comprehensive school counseling programs. He has provided workshops on school and family mental health, crisis preparation and response in schools, supervision in counseling, using school counseling to change sundown town communities, and data-driven school counseling practices.
Dr. Zyromski has served as a reviewer for the Journal for Counseling and Development, as well as the Professional School Counseling Journal, and has been recognized for numerous awards and recognitions, including the 2018 Ohio Counseling Association Herman J. Peters Award, the 2015 Kentucky School Counselor Association Outstanding Post-Secondary Counselor, the 2014 Illinois School Counselor Association Friend of ISCA, the 2010 North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Professional Leadership Award, the 2010 Illinois School Counseling Association Presidential Award, and the 2008 North Central Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Outstanding Professional Teaching Award.