State-Wide Family Survey for Families of Students With Disabilities (Indicator 8)

State-Wide Family Survey for Families of Students With Disabilities

In partnership with the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), our associates design, distribute, and report results of a state-wide family survey for families of students with disabilities, leveraging current research in high impact family engagement and effective survey methodology.  The “mobile friendly” survey is available in English, Spanish, Somali, Nepali, Arabic and Chinese. 

This survey, while directly supporting ODE’s federal accountability to report the Special Education, Indicator 8, also providing ODE and Ohio Local Education Agencies and their partners with valuable information for improving services to families of students with disabilities. 

Funded by: Ohio Department of Education

Current Award Total: $65,627

Project Contacts: Dr. Melissa Ross

Father participating in the state-wide family survey
Father participating in the state-wide family survey.