The Salvation Army of Central Ohio Human Trafficking Evaluation is funded by a Comprehensive Services for Victims of Human Trafficking Program Grant from the federal Office of Victims of Crime to enhance the quality and quantity of services available to for trafficked persons in Central Ohio through interagency collaboration and a coordinated community response to victims of human trafficking. This work addresses the individualized needs of victims through the provision of an array of quality services, ensuring that all human trafficking victims are able to achieve their goals, which may include greater autonomy, self-sufficiency, a sense of safety and overall well-being, by accessing high-quality, individualized services through a coordinated, collaborative continuum of care.
Center associates are engaged in program evaluation to partner with The Salvation Army and the Comprehensive Services Network. We provide monthly evaluation meeting facilitation, review and analysis of program records, identification of effective practices in collaboration with The Salvation Army staff, analysis and reporting on progress toward performance measures.
Sponsor: The Salvation Army
Principal Investigator: Dr. Meredith Wellman
Award Total: $57,000