End of Life Decision Making

Dr. Mobin-Uddin, an assistant professor in the Division of Bioethics and director of the Clinical Bioethics Consultation Service at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at The Ohio State University College of Medicine, is partnering with CETE’s Equity, Evaluation and Engagement program for this project. She also serves as a pediatrician at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and an assistant professor of Pediatrics. Her research aims to address racial and ethnic disparities and health equity, focusing on how to encourage advance care planning and engage in a culturally sensitive manner with end-of-life medical decision-making in patients and families. The multiphase project is curated to help support the central Ohio Muslim-American community address end-of-life care planning via the development and dissemination of culturally sensitive educational interventions to both the community and Ohio State medical staff. The grant is intended to help forge trust between both parties while alleviating uncertainty around end-of-life decision making, and Dr. Mobin-Uddin says the ultimate goal is to develop a tool to facilitate such conversations prior to going to the hospital. 

Funded by The Ohio State University’s Office of Outreach and Engagement 

Project Contact Dr. Melissa Ross