Conferences and Invited Presentations

Conferences and Invited Presentations
Conferences and invited presentations provide our scholars and associates opportunities to share new knowledge in their field, learn about leading-edge scholarship, access new ideas, and serve as an important venue for brainstorming, networking, and making connections that can lead to new initiatives, papers, and funding.

Fireside Chat about AI for Instructors of Qualitative Research

Correia, A.-P., Iverson, S., Price-Dennis, D. & Rinehart, C. (2024, December 5). Fireside Chat about AI for Instructors of Qualitative Research. Invited…
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The application of artificial intelligence in asynchronous online discussions

Xie, J., & Correia, A.-P. (2024, October 19-23). The application of artificial intelligence in asynchronous online discussions. Presented at the 2024 Association…
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Using A.I. to enhance learning and improve student outcomes

Hickey, S. (2024, March 13). Using A.I. to enhance learning and improve student outcomes. Ohio Career-Technical Administrators (OCTA) Spring Conference. Invited presentation for…
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Transformative learning for sustainable futures: Research center’s ubiquitous initiatives empowering adult learners in the United States

Correia, A.-P., Ross, M., & Lepicki, T. (2024, March 6-8). Transformative learning for sustainable futures: Research center’s ubiquitous initiatives empowering…
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Exploring the Evolution of Intelligent Tutoring Systems in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Batsaikhan, B. & Correia, A.-P. (2024, February 22). Exploring the Evolution of Intelligent Tutoring Systems in the Era of Generative…
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Empowering Education: Exploring AI Platforms for Tomorrow’s Classroom

Willis, A. & Nagy, G. (2024, February 15). Empowering Education: Exploring AI Platforms for Tomorrow's Classroom. 2024 Ohio Educational Technology Conference…
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Effect of COVID-19-based closures on workforce development program assessments

Anyidoho, A. Berenbon, B. F., McHugh, B.C. & Young-Min, K. (2023, October 29-31). Effect of COVID-19-based closures on workforce development program…
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Generative A.I. in education: Embracing the promise, avoiding the pitfalls

Hickey, S. (2024, January 24). Generative A.I. in education: Embracing the promise, avoiding the pitfalls . The Ohio State University College of…
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Teacher interaction in asynchronous online discussions: A comparison of discussion board replies and grade page comments

Xie, J. R., Adjei, M., & Correia, A.-P. (2023, October 14). Teacher interaction in asynchronous online discussions: A comparison of discussion board replies…
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Using MIMIC to detect DIF in a large-scale business skills workforce development assessment.

Kim, Y. M., McHugh, B., Berenbon, R., & Anyidoho, P. A. (2023, August). Using MIMIC to detect DIF in a…
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Improving your test writing ability

Falconer, R. A.(2023, June). Improving your test writing ability. Ohio Agriculture Educators Summer Conference, Wooster, OH, United States.
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Engaging families in child and adolescent literacy development

Wellman, M., & Boone, B. J. (2023, May). Engaging families in child and adolescent literacy development. Webinar hosted by the Ohio…
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2023-2025 selected presentations

97. Fletcher Jr., E. C. (2024). Examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the college and career readiness of high school students. Columbus City Schools, Virtual Presentation.

96. Fletcher Jr., E. C. (2024). Testing the Effect of the NAF Model on High School Teachers’ Instructional Strategy Use: A Comparative Study. NAF (formerly known as the National Academy Foundation), Virtual Presentation.

95. Correia, A.-P., Iverson, S., Price-Dennis, D. & Rinehart, C. (2024, December 5). Fireside Chat about AI for Instructors of Qualitative Research. Invited panelist for a webinar organized by the Ohio State University’s QualLab, Columbus, Ohio.

94. Sin, B., & Willis, A. (2024, October 24). CETE presented Embracing the Growth Mindset: Unleashing Your Full Potential. Ohio Association for Adult and Continuing Education (OAACE) Fall Conference, Dublin, OH.

93. Sin, B., & Willis, A. (2024, October 24). The Power of Yet, bringing Mindset into the Classroom. Ohio Association for Adult and Continuing Education (OAACE) Fall Conference, Dublin, OH.

92. Willis, A. (2024, October 24). CETE presented Making Instructional Materials Accessible. Ohio Association for Adult and Continuing Education (OAACE) Fall Conference, Dublin, OH.

91. Duan, S., Watson, S., Dong, L., Hsieh, C.-J., Jiang, S., Xu, F., & Yu, J. H. (2024, October 22). Unveiling Novice Instructional Designers’ Professional Identity: Exploring Dispositions Through Future-Oriented Reflections [Concurrent presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention, Kansas City, MO, United States.

90. Fensie, A., Guethler, A., Flowers, S., Rogowski, A., Mercado, F., Krieger, J. M., Fortune, C. K., Gill, P., Bellnier, K., Queija, M., Tucker, S., Jamison, F., Stidham, S., Xu, F., Wiley, L., St. Pierre, T., Clark-Stallkamp, R., Avci, H., . . . Wehr Gould, K. (2024, October 1). Three’s Company, Four’s a Crowd, and Twenty is Serendipity: Collaborative Research through Grace without Guilt [Concurrent presentation]. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) International Convention, Kansas City, MO, United States.

89. Zyromski, B. (2024, October 12). School counselors matter: Transforming student lives while saving schools money! 60-minute presentation provided to attendees of the Washington State School Counselor Association Leadership Conference in Spokane, WA.

88. Xie, J., & Correia, A.-P. (2024, October 19-23). The application of artificial intelligence in asynchronous online discussions. Presented at the 2024 Association for Educational Communications and Technology International Convention, Kansas City, KS.

87. Bachman, H. F. (2024, October 3). School Leadership for Stronger Family Engagement: Empowering Educator Efficacy Belief. Harvard Proving Ground Professional Learning Community, Virtual.

86. Terrell, C., & Ropog, M. (2024, September 25). Staff Retention. Fall Aspire Administrators’ Meeting, Dublin, OH, United States.

85. Xu, F., & Bachman, H. (2024, September 24). Artificial Intelligence (AI): A tool to save you time & build partnerships with families. Professional Development Workshop for Metro School Teachers and Administrators, Columbus, OH, United States.

84. Zyromski, B. (2024, September 20). Families and schools: Building hope and belonging together by design. 60-minute presentation provided to attendees of the online Ohio Statewide Engagement Center Leadership Summit.

83. Boone, B. J. (2024, September 20). Leading District-Wide Family Engagement using the Partnership Schools Approach [Panel presentation]. The 5th annual Ohio Family Engagement Leadership Summit: Family Engagement by Design, Columbus, OH, United States.

82. Boone, B. J., & Bachman, H. F. (2024, September 20). Designing for All: Leading Strong Tier One Practices in Your School. The 5th annual Ohio Family Engagement Leadership Summit: Family Engagement by Design, Columbus, OH, United States.

81. Capretta, T., & Zhang, M. (2024, September 20). Partnering with Families to Reduce Absenteeism: Approaches for Attendance Teams. The 5th annual Ohio Family Engagement Leadership Summit: Family Engagement by Design, Columbus, OH, United States.

80. DeShon, S., & Owens, W. (2024, September 20). Family Engagement: How it Can Be Designed for Out-of-School Time Programs. The 5th annual Ohio Family Engagement Leadership Summit: Family Engagement by Design, Columbus, OH, United States.

79. Xu, F., & Owens, W. (2024, September 20). Artificial Intelligence (AI): A tool to save you time & build partnerships with families. The 5th annual Ohio Family Engagement Leadership Summit: Family Engagement by Design, Columbus, OH, United States.

78. Wellman, M., Marquis, S., Wilkerson, R., & Valenza, K. (2024, September 20). Three Ohio Districts Share About Implementing the Research -Based Parentships for Literacy Program. The 5th annual Ohio Family Engagement Leadership Summit: Family Engagement by Design, Columbus, OH, United States.

77. Wellman, M., & Bowens, J. (2024, September 17). Navigating Dyslexia. Downtown Newark Library, Newark, OH 43055.

76. Xu, F., & Owens, W. (2024, September 11). Using AI for clearer communication & stronger partnerships. Workshop for Metro School Parents and Families, Columbus, OH, United States.

75. Terrell, C., & Ropog, M. (2024, September 10). The Retention Toolkit: A Comprehensive Approach to Student Retention. The 2024 West Virginia Adult Education Association, Inc. Fall Conference, Roanoke, WV, United States.

74. Boggs, A., & Terrell, C. (2024, September 6). Using the Student Experience Model to Effectively Conduct Student Orientation. Aspire Professional Development Day, Marion, OH, United States.

73. Wang, J., Lee, B. H., & Zhao, Y. (August 2024). Examining Societal and Individual Factors to Teacher Stress in United States and United Kingdoms. Poster presentation at the American Psychologists Association Annual Convention. Seattle, WA.

72. Suh, H. N., Flores, L. Y., Navarro, R. L., Tsai, C-L., Lee, B. H., & Lee, J. (2024, August). Longitudinal Measurement Invariance of the Negative Outcome Expectations in Engineering Scale. Poster to be presented at the American Psychological Association, Seattle, WA.

71. Bhang, C., Lee, B. H., Park, S., Lee, J., Lee, H., Garrison, Y., Park, C. J. (2024, August). A New Healing Framework of Work Ethic and Rest Ethic for Korean Clients and Counselors in the United States. Presentation to be presented at the American Psychological Association, Seattle, WA.

70. Wen, Z., Glassman, M., Sheng, Y., Xu, F., Hong, M., Huang, Y., Fraizer, M., & Sun, Y. (2024, August 8-10). Adolescents’ social media perception from adolescent and parent perspectives: The role of parental mediation [Paper presentation]. American Psychological Association (APA) Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, United States.

69. Boone, B. J., & Capretta, T. (2024, May 29). Where Research Meets Reality: Translating Research to Practices that Advance Family-School Partnerships. Institute for Educational Leadership’s National Community Schools and Family Engagement Conference, Atlanta, GA.

68. Boone, B. J., & Tobin, A. (2024, May 16). Partnering with Schools to Support Grandfamilies [Invited Presentation]. Grandfamilies and Kinship Support Network: A National Technical Assistance Center webinar series.

67. Zyromski, B. (2024, April 19). Applying protective factors to support families and youth exposed to trauma. Invited 60-minute presentation offered in-person at the Ohio Parent Mentor Project Spring Conference in Columbus, OH.

66. Bachman, H. F., Beard, K. S., & Boone, B. J. (2024, April 11). Family Engagement Efficacy Beliefs: Measuring the Mindsets of Educators. Paper Presentation at the 21st International Roundtable on School, Family, and Community Partnerships (INET), Philadelphia, PA.

65. Bachman, H. F., & Beard, K. S. (2024, April 14). Family Engagement Efficacy Beliefs of Educators: Validating the Interpretation and Use of a New Scale. Poster Presentation at the AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

64. Hickey, S. (2024, April 11-14). Understanding Instructional Design Decisions. Presented as research-in-progress roundtable at the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

63. Xie, J., Adjei, M., & Correia, A.-P. (2024, April 11-14). Instructor Participation in Asynchronous Online Discussions: A Comparative Study. Presented as a paper session at the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

62. Xu, F., & Correia, A.-P. (2024, April 11-14). Pair Programming in Middle-School: How Individual Factors Impact the Dyad’s Computational Thinking Performances. Presented as a paper session at the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

61. Adjei, M., & Correia, A.-P. (2024, April 11-14). The Role of Learning Analytics in Shaping Meaningful K-12 Learning Experiences: A Systematic Review. Presented as a poster at the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

60. Xu, F., & Correia, A.-P. (2024, April 11-14). Overcoming Obstacles in Computational Thinking Development: Unveiling Challenges and Solutions for Supporting Middle School Pair Programming. Presented as a poster at the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

59. Zyromski, B. (2024, April 5). Socially just, evidence-based practice: What works in K-12 settings. Invited 60-minute presentation offered via zoom for The Hatching Hour. Webinar hosted by Hatching Results.

58. Hickey, S. (2024, March 13). Using A.I. to enhance learning and improve student outcomes. Ohio Career-Technical Administrators (OCTA) Spring Conference. Invited presentation for the 2024 Ohio Association for Career and Technical Education OCTA Spring Conference, Dublin, OH.

57. Correia, A.-P., Ross, M., & Lepicki, T. (2024, March 6-8). Transformative learning for sustainable futures: Research center’s ubiquitous initiatives empowering adult learners in the United States [Innovation showcase]. Paper presented at the Seventeenth International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies: People, Education, and Technology for a Sustainable Future, Valencia, Spain.

56. Dimmitt, C., Brown, C., Cunningham, P. Foxx, S., Saunders, R., & Zyromski, B. (2024, March). Cultivating mentor and mentee relationships to foster impactful scholarship. Panel presented at the National online Evidence-Based School Counseling Conference.

55. Zyromski, B. (2024, February). Are we measuring what matters? Presented at the National School Counseling Leadership Conference in San Diego, CA.

54. Zyromski, B. (2024, February). School counselors matter: How counselors can save you money. Presented at the National School Counseling Leadership Conference in San Diego, CA.

53. Xu, F. (2024, February 23). Instructional design in higher education [Invited Presentation]. Syracuse University Instructional Design, Development and Evaluation (IDD&E) Brown Bag Session, Syracuse, NY, United States.

52. Batsaikhan, B. & Correia, A.-P. (2024, February 22). Exploring the Evolution of Intelligent Tutoring Systems in the Era of Generative Artificial Intelligence. 2024 Ohio State’s College of Education and Human Ecology Research Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.

51. Castillo, V., Dove, S., Gilbert, E., Griffy, H., Henderson, J., Hickey, S., Hurtibise, L., McLeod, C., Nagel, S., & Owens, T. (2024, February 22). Approaching assignment design in light of artificial intelligence [Invited Presentation]. The Ohio State University Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning, Columbus, OH.

50. Hickey, S. & Xu, F. (2024, February 14). Leveraging artificial intelligence for adult learning, workplace training, and research. 2024 Ohio Educational Technology Conference (OETC), Columbus, OH.

49. Willis, A. & Nagy, G. (2024, February 15). Empowering Education: Exploring AI Platforms for Tomorrow’s Classroom. 2024 Ohio Educational Technology Conference (OETC), Columbus, OH.

48. Hickey, S. (2024, January 24). Generative A.I. in education: Embracing the promise, avoiding the pitfalls [Invited Presentation]. The Ohio State University College of Medicine Annual Education Symposium, Columbus, OH.

47. Flierl, M., Fosler-Lussier, E., Hickey, S., & O’Mathuna, D. (2024, January 24). Pros and cons of AI tools in Med-Ed at OSU [Invited Panelist]. The Ohio State University College of Medicine Annual Education Symposium, Columbus, OH.

46. Anyidoho, A. Berenbon, B. F., McHugh, B.C. & Young-Min, K. (2023, October 29-31). Effect of COVID-19-based closures on workforce development program assessments. 2023 Assessment Institute, Indianapolis, Indiana.

45. Fensie, A., Rogowski, A., Xu, F., Jamison, F., Gill, P., & Bellnier, K. (2023, October 18). Assessing learning & measurement for online adult learners in research. 2023 AECT International Convention, Orlando, FL, United States.

44. Liu, C., Wang, Y., Evans, M., & Correia, A.-P. (2023, October 18). Uncovering the Drivers of Mobile Learning Acceptance: A Meta-Analysis of Critical Influencing Factors. Concurrent session presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Hybrid International Convention, Orlando, FL, United States.

43. Correia, A.-P., Lang, C. & Yadav, A. (2023, October 17). Fostering creativity and innovation with technology in K-12 education [Invited Panelist]. The Ohio State University’s Center for Digital Learning and Innovation Symposium, Columbus, OH, United States.

42. Sun, D., Xu, F., Zhu, C., & Li, Y. (2023, October 17). A comparative study of the effectiveness of transitioning from block-based or text-based programming to Python. 2023 AECT International Convention, Orlando, FL, United States.

41. Xie, J. R., Adjei, M., & Correia, A.-P. (2023, October 14). Teacher interaction in asynchronous online discussions: A comparison of discussion board replies and grade page comments. Poster presented at 2023 AECT International Convention, Orlando, FL, United States.

40. Angelone, J. (2023, October 13). How do I plan for assessment? From orientation to the classroom: Diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments to meet my MSGs. Presented to the Ohio Association for Adult and Continuing Education (OAACE). Columbus, OH, United States.

39. Boggs, A. (2023, October 13). Thriving together: Promoting workplace wellness culture. Presented to the Ohio Association for Adult and Continuing Education (OAACE). Columbus, OH, United States.

38. Lepicki, T. and Kiger, A. (2023, October 13). Building broadband infrastructure. Presented to the OCTA (Ohio Career-Technical Administrators) Fall Conference. Columbus, OH, United States.

37. Angelone, J. (2023, October 12). PDN roundtable discussion: Transitions/career navigators. Presented to the Ohio Association for Adult and Continuing Education (OAACE). Columbus, OH, United States.

36. Boggs, A. (2023, October 12). Mindfulness in the classroom: Cultivating well-being and learning. Presented to the Ohio Association for Adult and Continuing Education (OAACE). Columbus, OH, United States.

35. Terrell, C. & Ropog, M. (2023, October 12). Revisiting the retention toolkit. Presented to the Ohio Association for Adult and Continuing Education (OAACE). Columbus, OH, United States.

34. Anyidoho, P. A., McHugh, B., Kim, Y. M., & Berenbon, R. (2023, August). Soft and hard skills are not do distinct: Evidence from factor analyses of workforce training tests. American Psychological Association, DC, United States.

33. Kim, Y. M., McHugh, B., Berenbon, R., & Anyidoho, P. A. (2023, August). Using MIMIC to detect DIF in a large-scale business skills workforce development assessment. American Psychological Association, DC, United States.

32. Anyidoho, P. A., DeBoeck, P., & Gallant, D. (2023, June). Collapsing categories for Likert type items: Dealing with same items, different categories in longitudinal data. Modern Modelling Methods, Mansfield, CT, United States.

31. Anyidoho, P. A., McHugh, B., Berenbon, R., & Kim, Y. M. (2023, June). Investigating the factor structure of workforce competencies: A practical example using post-training tests from workforce development programs. Modern Modeling Methods, Mansfield, CT, United States.

30. Falconer, R. A.(2023, June). Improving your test writing ability. Ohio Agriculture Educators Summer Conference, Wooster, OH, United States.

29. Wellman, M., & Boone, B. J. (2023, May). Engaging families in child and adolescent literacy development. Webinar hosted by the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center, Online.

28. Wiley, D., Russell, S., Correia, A.-P., Hickey, S., & Xu, F. (2023, May 5). What is ChatGPT & How is it used in education? [Invited Panelist]. AECT cross-division Webinar Series on ChatGPT, Online. Recording available:

27. Chakroun, B., Flageole, C., LeVert-Chaisson, I., & Kamb. M. (2023, April 24). Exploring how North American International Centres for Technical and Vocational Education (UNEVOC) Centres can deliver on the sustainable development goals and the new United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) strategy on technical and vocational education. World Congress 2023 Collective Intelligence, Montreal, Canada.

26. Correia, A.-P., French, K. D., Hickey, S., O’Byrne, I., & Price-Dennis, D. (2023, April 19). Innovating education with ChatGPT: Exploring the opportunities and challenges [Panel discussion]. Webinar offered by the College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States.

25. Boone, B. J., & Bachman, H. F. (2023, April). Multi-tiered strategic approach for family engagement in post secondary transitions. Ohio Center for Austim and Low Incidence Disabilities, Life Span Transition Center, Spring Team Showcase, Columbus, OH, United States.

24. Lee, S., & Seong, H. (2023, April). The role of interpersonal emotion regulation in Perfectionism Social Disconnection Model. Korean Counseling Association-International Chapter Conference, Toronto, Canada.

23. Lepicki, T., Hoover, C., & Willis, A. (2023, April 3). Change your words, change your classroom. 2023 COABE (Coalition on Adult Basic Education) National Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States.

22. Lepicki, T. & Willis, A. (2023, April 3). Professional Development for All. Presented to the Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE), Atlanta, GA.

21. Lepicki, T., & Willis, A. (2023, April 2-5). Professional development for all: Planning and designing inclusive learning experiences [Conference session]. 2023 COABE National Conference on Planning and Designing Inclusive Learning Experiences, Atlanta, GA, United States.

20. Wellman, M., & Cunningham, P. (2023, April). Partnering with families to support student mental health. 2023 Rural Summit, Charlotte, NC, United States.

19. Wellman, M., & Cunningham, P. (2023, April). Partnerships to support child and adolescent mental health. Ohio Commission on Fatherhood Grantee Meeting, Online.

18. Xu, F., & Correia, A.-P. (2023, March 18-20). The effects of pair programming on the development of Computational Thinking. 11th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2023), Fujisawa (Kanagawa), Japan.

17. Bachman, H. F., & DeShon, S. (2023, March). Multi-tiered strategic systems of support for family engagement in literacy. CLSD Literacy Academy Lab, Columbus, OH, United States.

16. Boone, B. (2023, March 6-7). A multi-tiered systemic approach to family-school engagement [Featured presentation]. 38th Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity, Honolulu, HI, United States.

15. Boone, B. J., & Wellman, M. (2023, March). Engaging families for early literacy in elementary schools. Ohio Literacy Academy Lab, Columbus, OH, United States.

14. Crawford, B. (2023, March). Indicator 8: Positioning families as experts: What did over 7,000 families have to say? 2023 Parent Mentor Spring Conference: Passing the Torch Positioning Families as Experts, Columbus, OH, United States.

13. Crawford, B. (2023, March). Special education family survey cohort 3 results. Ohio Department of Education: The State Advisory Panel for Exceptional Children (SAPEC) Meeting, Columbus, OH, United States.

12. Cunningham, P. (2023, March). School counselors as family engagement leaders. Ohio Department of Education School Counselor Meetup, Columbus, OH, United States.

11. Cunningham, P., Lee, S., & Hughes, Q. (2023, March). Building students’ hope and sense of school belonging through goal-setting. Evidence Based School Counseling Conference, Columbus, OH, United States.

10. Xu, F., & Correia, A.-P. (2023, March 18-20). The effects of pair programming on the development of Computational Thinking. 11th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2023), Fujisawa, Japan.

9. Adjei, M., & Correia, A.-P. (2023, February 16). Learning analytics as a tool for creating meaningful learning experiences in K-12 classrooms. 2023 Ohio State’s College of Education and Human Ecology Research Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States.

8. Anyidoho, P. A., Berenbon, B., & McHugh, B. (2023, February). Investigating the Factor Structure of workforce competencies: A practical example using post-training tests from workforce development programs. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States.

7. Bachman, H. F., & Boone, B. J. (2023, February). Supporting the whole child through a multi-tiered approach to family engagement. Columbus, OH, United States.

6. Berenbon, B., McHugh, B., & Anyidoho, P. A. (2023, February). Bias in job analysis survey ratings attributed to order effects. National Council of Measurement in Education, Online.

5. Lee, S. (2023, February). Identifying structural barriers to family engagement for students with disabilities: Using a statewide sample. EHE Research Forum, Columbus, OH, United States.

4. Boone, B. J., & Bachman, H. F. (2023, January). Beyond the cookie-cutter with multi-tiered family engagement. Ohio Center for Austim and Low Incidence Disabilities, Life Span Transition Center, Spring Team Showcase, Malvern, PA, United States.

3. Boone, B. J., & Epstein, J. (2023, January). Re-designing and evaluating family engagement events and strategies. Meeting of Ohio’s Partnership Schools Network, Columbus, OH, United States.

2. Boone, B. J., & Wellman, M. (2023, January). Re-designing and measuring family engagement practices. Ohio Partnership Schools Professional Development Booster Session, Online.

1. Lepicki, T., & Willis, A. (2023, January 27). Social identity and the power of words. Ohio Aspire Teacher Office Hours, Columbus, OH, United States.