Home » Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center
Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center (OhioLEADS)
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded a $4.6 million, five-year grant to the college’s Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE) to continue the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center. Directed by Barbara Boone, the Statewide Family Engagement Center provides technical assistance and training to the Ohio Department of Education and local schools in the implementation and enhancement of systemic and effective family engagement policies, programs, and activities.
The goal is to improve student academic achievement and development. With this new award, CETE will conduct outreach and develop resources for Ohio families, including 2,000 families of multilingual students, to assist them in supporting their children’s education and working with their children’s schools. They will also create a program for 120 Ohio parents for leading in their local school communities. In collaboration with faculty of the college of Education and Human Ecology, CETE will implement a professional learning program for Ohio school counselors for improving school-family supports for student mental health. The team will also lead a network of Ohio schools who are striving to improve opportunities for family-school partnerships to support student learning and well-being.
CETE will also conduct research as part of the grant to help build the nation’s strong evidence base of best practices for designing family engagement programs.
Read the annual report.
Funded by US Department of Education
Project Leader Dr. Barbara Boone

The teacher greets a mother and her children for their school day.