Ohio Broadband and 5G Regional Node

Based on the JobsOhio six-region map, a regional node structure was created to support the implementation of Ohio’s broadband and 5G strategy on a local level. Each node includes a four-year university, a two-year community college, a local workforce development board, and a community action agency. Each node is tasked with supporting career awareness, implementing education and training programs, and leveraging state and federal funding to reduce participants’ education and training costs within its region. Our center serves as the university partner for central Ohio’s broadband and regional node, assisting with setting the overall project vision, goals, and deliverables. Our associates provide project management, data collection, and coordination with the Statewide Sector Partnership.

Current Award Total: $610,000

Funded by: The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services

Project Contact: Traci Lepicki 

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Central Ohio Broadband and 5G