Thomas Capretta, MPA
Thomas Capretta, MPA, is a researcher and family engagement project coordinator at the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center in the Center on Education and Training for Employment at The Ohio State University. Capretta is also pursuing a PhD in Educational Studies focused on the philosophy and history of education, where he studies ethics and political philosophy as it relates to education. In Capretta’s current work, he manages the Ohio Family and Community Engagement Network and the Family Engagement Leaders of Ohio, both communities of practice focused on raising the professional profile, expertise, and practice of family-facing professionals while also working on issues of state and federal education policy, as well as issues affecting students with exceptionalities and their families.
Previously at the Ohio Department of Education, Capretta supported schools and districts in their efforts to serve students in foster care and other student populations facing systemic vulnerabilities. At the same time, Capretta coordinated support to advance the implementation of effective family and community engagement strategies in education settings across Ohio.
A native of Cleveland, Ohio, Capretta received a BA in religious studies and applied ethics from Seton Hall University. As a 2012 Teach for America Mississippi Delta Corps Member, he taught 4th and 5th grade math and science for three years. Capretta then received a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from the John Glenn College of Public Affairs and is excited to return to the Ohio State community as a staff member.
Capretta lives in the Southern Orchards neighborhood of Columbus with his cats, Maude and Jasper, where they enjoy an extensive collection of records.