OSU Center on Education and Training for Employment

John Moser

John Moser is the Program Lead for the DACUM International Training Center as part of the Center on Education and Training for Employment. 

Moser is a graduate of The Ohio State University and has been working with the DACUM (an acronym for Developing a Curriculum) program over 25 years, first as a consultant assisting Dr. Bob Norton, later becoming the Associate Program Lead in 2006, and then Program Lead when Dr Norton retired in 2014. Most of Moser’s professional experience prior to working with the center has been working with business and industry in the corporate training and Human Resources fields where he developed numerous specialized uses for the DACUM process.

Moser has conducted hundreds of DACUM workshops for clients in the U.S. and other countries throughout the world. He has also conducted many DACUM Institutes to train others in community colleges, businesses, government agencies and professional organizations how to effectively use the process to analyze jobs and occupations within their organizations. Moser also conducts a follow-on program called Systematic Curriculum and Instructional Development (SCID) which teaches participants how to develop competency-based curriculum using the outcomes from a DACUM job analysis.

Moser and his wife have four children and resides in Columbus. He enjoys travel and spending time with family.

Research Interests 

  • Job analysis
  • Curriculum and Instruction development
  • Career technical education
  • Workforce Development education