Jiarui Xie
Jiarui Xie is currently a Ph.D. student of Learning Technologies at The Ohio State University and a graduate research associate at the Center on Education and Training for Employment, specifically the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center. She will be working with Dr. Hadley Bachman on creating online learning modules for adults, developing accessible resources for educators and families, and supporting research projects and administrative tasks.
She holds a BS and a MSc in Educational Technology from Shaanxi Normal University, China. In 2018, she also studied at the University of California, San Diego as an exchange student. The topics of her studies include asynchronous online discussion, teacher online training, rural education, deep learning, problem-solving, and learning analytics. Her current research interests include online teaching and learning, the use of AI in online education, collaborative learning, instructional design, equity in education, and mixed research methods.
She is from Xi’an, China, and now lives in Columbus. She enjoys working out, cooking, hiking, and playing board games with friends.