
Activating Allyship

The center’s Racial Equity Diversity Inclusion (REDI) initiative uses the following description of Allyship offered by the Anti-Oppression Network: 

Allyship is an active, consistent, and arduous practice of unlearning and re-evaluating, in which a person in a position of privilege and power seeks to operate in solidarity with a marginalized group

  • allyship is not an identity—it is a lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability with marginalized individuals and/or groups of people
  • allyship is not self-defined—our work and our efforts must be recognized by the people we seek to ally ourselves with
    • it is important to be intentional in how we frame the work we do,i.e. we are showing support for…, we are showing our commitment to ending [a system of oppression] by…, we are using our privilege to help by…

Following are resources related to activating your allyship. 

Anti-racism: You May be Doing it Wrong. Here’s Why. This Washington Post “The New Normal” video discusses why white allies need to continue doing their racial work and offers concrete steps on how they can do it. [5 minutes]

Why you need to keep talking about race with your White family. This Washington Post “The New Normal” video discusses why white allies need to talk with their families about racism. [5 minutes]

Importance of Speaking Up at Work: Leaders Do the Right Thing. Video discusses why racism should be addressed regardless of how it might impact you. [7 minutes]

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race, TEDx Talk by Jay Smooth that suggests a new way to think about receiving feedback on our racial blind spots. [12 minutes]

Some Do’s and Don’ts for White People Who Want to Discuss Racism at Work

A quick guide of do’s and don’ts and ideas on how to approach the topic if racism at work. Written by Dynasti Hunt.

How to Be a Better Ally to Your Black Colleagues

Research suggests that the relationship between Black employees and their employing organizations is, at best, a tenuous one. Black employees — at all levels — feel that they have not been adequately heard, understood, or granted opportunities to the same extent as their white peers. The author has devised a framework to help people from different backgrounds build stronger relationships in the workplace. Written by Stephanie Creary. 

Do You Have the Heart of An Ally?

White Allies in Training. Learning how to work alongside our brothers and sisters of color to dismantle racism and white supremacy in all its forms.

Antiracist Checklist for Whites

This self-assessment checklist is featured in Dr. Robin DiAngelo’s book White Fragility and was adapted from Dr. John Raible’s (2009) checklist for antiracist white allies. Dr. Raible recognizes that these guidelines are very difficult to put into action and take ongoing commitment and practice.

Activating Allyship The center’s Racial Equity Diversity Inclusion (REDI) initiative uses